Blockchain and our planet




In recent years, sustainability has become a global priority. Blockchain technology, often criticized for its high energy consumption, is seeing innovative solutions emerge to tackle this challenge. Among these, stands out for its eco-friendly and sustainable approach.


The Problem of Energy Consumption in Blockchain

Traditional blockchain, based on the proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism, is known for its high energy consumption. Bitcoin, for example, uses around 150 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity per year, an amount comparable to the energy consumption of countries like Argentina​ (State of the Planet)​​ (RMI)​. Other cryptocurrencies like Litecoin and Dogecoin also share this problem, contributing significantly to the carbon footprint.


Proof of Work (PoW)

Proof of Stake (PoS)

Energy Consumption

150 TWh/year

<2 TWh/year

Carbon Footprint

65 million tons CO2

<1000 tons CO2's Solution: TProof-of-Stake (TPoS) uses the proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, but with an advanced version called TProof-of-Stake (TPoS). This system drastically reduces energy consumption compared to traditional PoW mechanisms.


How TPoS Works

Instead of competing to solve complex mathematical problems, TPoS validators are selected based on the amount of tokens they own and stake. This eliminates the need for enormous amounts of energy to power the transaction validation process, making TPoS much more energy-efficient. 


Environmental Benefits of's TPoS

TPoS not only reduces energy consumption but also offers other environmental benefits:

  1. Reduction of Carbon Footprint: Since TPoS requires less energy, the overall carbon footprint of the network is significantly reduced. This helps decrease the environmental impact of blockchain.

  2. Less Electronic Waste: PoW mining generates large amounts of electronic waste due to obsolete hardware. With TPoS, the need for powerful hardware is eliminated, reducing electronic waste.


Annual Energy Consumption

Carbon Footprint

Electronic Waste


150 TWh

65 million tons CO2

30.7 kilotons


<2 TWh

<1000 tons CO2



Innovations by not only uses TPoS to reduce energy consumption but has also developed a highly scalable platform that allows the implementation of eco-friendly and sustainable smart contracts. Developers can create decentralized applications (dApps) that are energy-efficient and contribute to sustainable solutions in sectors such as supply chain management and renewable energy.

Environmental Impact of Traditional Blockchain

The PoW model of traditional blockchains has a significant environmental impact. In addition to the enormous electricity consumption, the production of hardware for mining generates large amounts of electronic waste. It is estimated that Bitcoin mining produces 30.7 kilotons of electronic waste annually, equivalent to that of small electronic devices like smartphones​ (Pre Sustainability)​. A Sustainable Future

As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, it is essential that emerging technologies follow the same path. is showing how blockchain can be part of the solution, rather than the problem. With its innovative approach and commitment to sustainability, is paving the way for a new era of eco-friendly and efficient blockchain technology.


Conclusion is demonstrating that blockchain can be part of the solution to environmental problems. With an innovative and sustainable approach, is opening the door to a new era of eco-friendly blockchain technology. As the debate over the environmental impact of cryptocurrencies continues, represents a positive example of how this technology can evolve responsibly and sustainably.



  1. State of the Planet - Columbia University

  2. PRé Sustainability

  3. RMI - Cryptocurrency's Energy Consumption Problem

  4. Ethereum Energy Consumption

  5. Bitwave - Proof-of-Work vs. Proof-of-Stake